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NDN BCAA 6:1:1

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Supplementing with BCAA’s will promote tissue growth and recovery from intense exercise. Research shows that supplementation of essential amino acids, including BCAAs, is effective for promoting muscle protein synthesis and preventing muscle breakdown following exercise.

420grams – 30 servings



There are 20 amino acids – 9 of these amino acids are essential,  meaning they cannot be made by your body and must be obtained through your diet. Of the nine essential amino acids, three are the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine

Branched-chain amino acids are essential within the body, helping your muscles to function properly. When you exercise, they are used up faster than most other amino acids, so it is crucial to have a BCAA supplement on hand.

BCAA’s are intended as a dietary supplement for use as a nutritional support or sports nutrition. Supplementing with BCAA’s will promote tissue growth and recovery from intense exercise. Research shows that supplementation of essential amino acids, including BCAAs, is effective for promoting muscle protein synthesis and preventing muscle breakdown following exercise.

Interestingly, leucine has much greater power on stimulating protein synthesis compared to any other amino acid.

That is why we at NDN (Nutrient Dense Nutrition), formulated BCAA in a 6:1:1 ratio. It contains 6 parts leucine, 1 part isoleucine, and 1 part valine. It is the perfect ratio for muscle synthesis and recovery after exercise.

This product is designed to help individuals who are looking to increase their protein intake, prevent muscle breakdown and speed up recovery after a workout.

Who Should Consider BCAA 6:1:1?

BCAA 6:1:1 is a powder formula designed for anyone who wants better muscle recovery. It’s also effective for those looking to gain mass, decrease fat mass, or improve their body composition. BCAA 6:1:1 provides an excellent source of protein that contains all the essential amino acids that are needed for building new muscle tissue and decreasing the catabolism of old muscle tissue.

BCAA 6:1:1 is an essential part of any athlete’s diet. Your body needs it to stop catabolism and rebuild muscle after overuse.

The formulation of NDN BCAA:

Leucine is considered a vital amino acid for the protein synthesis and various metabolic functions – in other words, it is an essential amino acid, which helps in regulating the blood-sugar levels, promotes the growth and the recovery of muscle and bone tissues, as well as the production of the growth hormone.

Isoleucine is particularly recommended to professional athletes and body builders, as the primary function of Isoleucine in the body is to boost up the energy levels and to assist the body in recovering from strenuous physical activity. Iso leucine is considered as an essential amino acid which is found in lots of proteins.

Valine helps stimulate the central nervous system, and is needed for proper mental functioning. Valine, an essential amino acid, has a stimulant effect. It is needed for muscle metabolism, tissue repair, and the maintenance of a proper nitrogen balance in the body.

Creatine Monohydrate helps to regenerate a molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), your body’s main source of energy. Supplementing with creatine, increases the available fuel to power ATP, which increase muscle strength, size, and power output.

Taurine is one of the most essential substances in the body! It increases the action of insulin, improving glucose tolerance, and acting as an antioxidant. It is vital for the proper function of the minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Taurine can also help to improve sleep. Taurine works by raising the chemical transmitter GABA, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. Taurine can lower anxiety and the production of stress hormones that hinder rest. Vegetarians are at high risk of taurine deficiency.


If you’re interested in beginning to take BCAAs as a supplement, now is the best time to get started!


  • NDN BCAA contains 420 grams (30 servings).
  • One heaped scoop of BCAA is one serving.
  • It is best to take one serving in the morning and one after training.
  • When on a low-calorie diet, it might be wise to take even 3 to 4 servings per day to keep you from losing muscle in the process.


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