12 x 5g Sachet of dried Mhlonyana / Lengana / Wilde Als Herbal tea


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The product is originally veld sourced and propagated before being grown under irrigation. It is hand picked and air dried under cover. After milling into a tea form it is hand packed in 5g sachet. These are packaged for sale in packs of 12.

SKU: SB001-12x5g Category:

The product is originally veld sourced and propagated before being grown under irrigation. It is hand picked and air dried under cover. After milling into a tea form it is hand packed in 5g sachet. These are packaged for sale in packs of 12

The product is grown and distributed under a biotrade licence as issued by the South African Dept of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.The product is packed in thick PET sachets with a nick tear for easy opening.

The heavy packaging assists to reduce the odour during storage. The front is silver and the back is clear so the product can be seen.

An ancient African herb (Artemesia Afra) which has been used by indigenous peoples over centuries

Recorded use includes:

  • Colds, coughs, sore throat, flu, asthma, sinus pains as it is said to clear all breathing passages

  • Fevers, headaches, menstrual cramps, and general pain.

  • Digestive complaints like indigestion, colic, constipation, flatulence, gastritis, dry dyspepsia and to get rid of intestinal worms. It is also used as an appetite enhancer.

  • Applied as a wash on the skin or a poultice to ease boils or large acne pimples, bring out the rash in measles, mumps, chicken pox, sooth haemorrhoids, herpes, venereal sores and for ring worm.

  • A poultice of the leaf is applied as a dressing to relieve nerve pain, painful joints, and gout and or any glandular or skin inflammations.

  • A common treatment for malaria

It is not advised that the tea should be consumed for longer than 7 to 10 days and caution should be taken during pregnancy and if suffering from epilepsy.